Title 1: General Provisions
Table of Contents
Chapter 1:
The Laws of Guam
Chapter 4:
Political Authority; Jurisdiction
Chapter 7:
Construction of this Code
Chapter 8:
Government Facilities
Chapter 9:
Guam Humanitarian Service Award Program
Chapter 10:
Holidays, Festivities, Time, etc
Chapter 13:
Guma Onra
- Guam Hall of Fame
Chapter 14:
Guam - U.S. Military Advancement Commission
Chapter 15:
Permanent Negotiating Commission for The Micronesian Compacts of Free Association
Chapter 16:
Compiler of Laws
Chapter 17:
Commission on Self-Determination for the People of Guam
Chapter 18:
Statutes Applicable to Entire Government of Guam
Chapter 19:
Office of Public Accountability
Chapter 20:
Guam Land Repatriation Commission
Chapter 21:
Commission on Decolonization for the Implementation and Exercise of Chamorro Self Determination
Chapter 22:
Guam War Reparation Commission
Chapter 23: The Reverend, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Human and Civil Rights Commission
Chapter 24:
Kumision Guahan Fine'Nana
on the Military Mission in Guam
Chapter 25: Guam Criminal Law and Procedure Review Commission
Title 2: Legislative Branch
Title 3: Elections
Title 4: Public Officers & Employees
Title 5: Government Operations
Title 6: Guam Rules of Evidence
Title 7: Civil Procedure and Judiciary
Title 8: Criminal Procedures
Title 9: Crimes & Corrections
Title 10: Health & Safety
Title 11: Finance & Taxation
Title 12: Autonomous Agencies
Title 13: Uniform Commercial Code
Title 14: Uniform Consumer Credit Code
Title 15: Estates & Probate
Title 16: Vehicles
Title 17: Education
Title 18: Business Structure & Function
Title 19: Personal Relations
Title 20: Remedies
Title 21: Real Property
Title 22: Business Regulation